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If you’d like to send a comment, KF Jones would love to hear from you so if you have something to say or a question to ask please use the form to the right.

At this point, you’ll probably get a direct answer from KF Jones but if there are any common questions you’ll probably see a response go up in a blog post or an FAQ as well.

Contact KF Jones

8 + 10 =

Becoming an ARC Reader

If you would like to join my ARC team please subscribe to the mailing list and then send me a message through the Contact Us form.

What is an ARC Reader?

For those who haven’t come across the acronym before, ARC is usually explained as ‘advance reading copy’ or ‘advance review copy’. Traditional publishers established a process of sending out copies of new books, free of charge, so that they could be reviewed in time for the launch date. Indie authors such as myself do the same thing in order to make it easy for people who want to write reviews to get the book.

The understanding when you send out an ARC copy is that the reader gets a free book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

I am looking for ARC readers who would like to read both Bitten by the Alpha and Claimed by the Alpha (and any or all of my future novels).

Who can be an ARC reader?

My criteria for putting you on my ARC list are as follows:

  • You should have a history of reviewing books an Amazon site or Goodreads and be able to send me links as evidence
  • You must read Kindle books since I’m only publishing on Amazon
  • You agree to post an honest review of the book in return for an ARC copy (and you must state something to that effect on your review).
  • You do not have to be a professional reviewer but I’m looking for people who enjoy romance & erotica and aren’t put off by steamy bits or a bit of man on man action 😉

How do I apply?

If you would like to join my ARC team please do the following:

  • You must sign up to my mailing list on
  • Send me a message through the Contact Us page
  • Include links to an Amazon or Goodreads review you’ve done

I will review your application as quickly as possible and then I can send you any of my titles that are published at that time.

I’m writing this in January 2017 so the books I can send at the moment are Bitten by the Alpha and Claimed by the Alpha.

What do I need to do as an ARC reader?

  • Read the book
  • Write a review of the book
  • Post that review on your preferred site – Amazon, Goodreads or a blog are all good choices
  • Send me a link to that review so that I know that you have done your review


Actually, no-one has asked me these questions yet but I imagine they might in the future.

Q. What if I don’t review the books?

A. That would make me sad and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep people on my list for future books if they don’t review the books I send. I have to limit places else I’d be giving away all my books and those places will go to people who will help out by putting up reviews.

Q. What if I have a really good reason?

A. Just pop me a message and explain the issue. I won’t kick anyone off the list without attempting to follow up and nor will I penalise people who have a good reason.

Q. Do I need to give you a five-star review?

A. Absolutely not! ARC copies are not about trying to game the system. It’s extremely important that the reviews be your honest opinion. Would I like good ratings? Yes, of course but I actually can’t grow quickly as an author if my own fans won’t give me useful feedback on my books. If you feel the book is not good, you should say so, hopefully in a constructive manner!

Q. Why do I need to state that I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review?

A. The etiquette of the ARC system is that the reviewer should mention that they received a free copy in exchange for their honest review. This is because it’s important to readers that they know who might have some level of bias. If they know you got an ARC copy they will take your review more seriously.

Q. Should my review go on Amazon or Goodreads?

A. Ideally both but you only need to be posting one review for each book I send you to stay on the team (and remember to send me a link to it so that I can note that you’ve reviewed it). If you have a blog you want to post it on, that’s good too but I really need reviews to be on Amazon or Goodreads for visibility reasons.

Q. Would you link to my review of your book on my blog?

A. I absolutely would, probably even if you are mean to me! Publishing a book for all the world to see is surprisingly thrilling and I can imagine being able to point to a review, even one that tears me to shreds would be equally fun. Just message me and let me know the review is up and once I’ve stopped crying about how bad my writing is and that no-one loves me, I’ll link your review.

Beta Readers

I am also seeking beta readers for future titles that I’m working on.

What is a beta reader?

A beta reader is a very kind and generous soul, someone who is willing to read a book before it’s actually finished, maybe even as early as the first draft. Once they have stopped laughing, rolling their eyes, yawning or whatever reaction they have to an unfinished book, they provide feedback to the author. That could range from their general opinion about the book and which bits they liked to more specific things like typos, scenes that don’t work, characters that aren’t interesting enough, characters that they really like and why or whether the steamy bits were hot enough.

The author then reviews their comments and those of other beta readers and uses them in a further edit to improve the book.


How do I become a beta reader for your books?

The process is much the same as becoming an ARC reader.

  • Join the mailing list and then use the Contact Us form to ask to join my Beta Reader list
  • Tell me a bit about yourself, what you like to read and so on
  • I will review your comments and then let you know I’ve added you to my list
  • As with my ARC reader list places will be limited
  • If you are a Beta reader you may also be an ARC reader if you want so just let me know


Q. Do I have to read all your books? I like paranormal romance about werewolves but don’t have any interest in erotic steampunk adventures?

A. Not at all. If you want to read all my work and give feedback, that’s great but there’s no obligation to read anything I publish in a genre that you don’t enjoy. Personally, I love reading across fantasy, sci-fi, steampunk, thrillers, romance, erotica and action adventures. I know and respect that many readers have a much narrower focus and when you’re publishing niche erotic romance, that’s actually a good thing for a whole host of reasons I doubt that many readers are interested in. Just let me know which book series you’d like to read and provide helpful feedback on and I’ll stick to that.

Q. How quickly do you need feedback?

A. As quickly as possible. My current works are relatively short novellas though I expect the length to increase a bit over time and I have a full-length novel series planned in my steampunk setting. If you can read the book and get back to me within a few days that’s great but at this stage I’ll take what I can get.

Q. What do you need me to say about the book?

A. Firstly, even if you like my books and want to be nice, be completely honest. If you don’t like something, let me know. If you dislike a character who is supposed to be a villain, that’s probably good but you shouldn’t find my hero or heroine horrible or annoying. Secondly, try and give constructive criticism such as ‘These paragraphs/sentences are too long. This phrase makes no sense. The main character is whining a bit in Chapter 2 and it’s off-putting.’ I just need information that I can use to improve the book and my writing in general so that I can serve my audience to the best of my potential.

Q. Do you still want feedback if I’m late reading the book and it already got published?

A. Yes, particularly from beta readers. The nice thing about indie publishing on Amazon is that if you find a big mistake or something that really needs to change, I can upload a new version of the book. It goes live within a day (usually) so it’s still worth improving older books. Plus it will help me with writing future books.